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Welcome to the Parent Area

A positive partnership between school and home is recognised as having an exceptionally strong influence on learner experiences and learner outcomes. Parents, Guardians and Carers are encouraged to help at school events and to offer their skills to support the work of the school. Participation in the Parent and Staff Association (PSA), and membership of the Board of Management are also important ways in which parents can make a positive contribution. Becoming involved in policy focus groups and keeping up to date with what is going on at school will give you a real insight into your child's school. Open communication and positive relationships mean that there is rarely a problem that we cannot solve together.

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Incoming First Year 2025/2026

Welcome to Goatstown Educate Together Secondary School.

First Year 2025 will be our sixth intake of students since the school opened in 2020.

Administration Fee: If you have recently received a letter of offer of a place for First Year 2025 our administration fee, to cover 24-hour injury insurance for your child, a Microsoft Office 365 license and account, a locker and tamper-proof lock, a school journal and some transport costs during the year, can be paid by clicking on the Easy Payment Plus link below:

Information Guide on ordering your child’s device

We will contact you when the Wriggle Store is open (currently planned for April 8th) for you to purchase your child’s laptop device for First Year.

For further information please read the Wriggle Parent Information Guide here.

Our school’s secure store login code is 27483965.

Schoolbooks and core classroom resources will be provided by the school under the new Junior Cycle Schoolbooks scheme.


Key First Year 2025 Dates for the diary:

  • Parent Information Meeting - Tuesday, March 4th, 2025.

  • Wriggle Store open - Tuesday, April 8th, 2025

  • Student Induction Afternoon - Thursday May, 15th, 2025

  • First Year Induction Day 1 - Thursday August, 21st, 2025.


Devices, Stationery and Book Lists 2024-25

Junior Cycle - First to Third Year

Under the new Junior Cycle Schoolbooks scheme, all eBooks and core classroom resources will be provided to students directly by the school in the Junior Cycle years (First to Third Year).

Funding under this scheme does not include the purchase of digital devices. Parents are required to purchase a specially configured device for their child through Wriggle Learning. The Parent Information Guide to using the Wriggle Store is available here.

If you have a query relating to the device you may contact Wriggle directly at or phone 01 5009060.

Senior Cycle - Fifth Year

Parents must purchase the required eBooks and stationery items for their child. This is not covered under the new government scheme. A digital copy of the textbooks required by students can be purchased through Wriggle Learning which is downloaded onto the device or alternatively you can purchase a physical copy of each book, which comes with a free e-book that can be installed on the device. The physical copy can be kept at home to study (without using screens) and the e-book will be used in school.

The Fifth Year booklist is available here.

If you have a query relating to the device you may contact Wriggle directly at or phone 01 5009060.




School Administration Charge


The school administration charge covers 24-hour injury insurance for your child, a Microsoft Office 365 licence and account, a locker and tamper-proof lock, a school journal and some transport costs during the year.

Please be advised that if there is an issue with payment of these fees, we would encourage you to contact our office, in complete confidence, to discuss payment options.

Voluntary Contributions

In an ideal world, our schools would be funded at a level which would allow them to flourish and plan for the future, but unfortunately, the money that we receive from the state covers the bare minimum required to keep the school open, to maintain it, to insure it, to light it and to heat it.

Voluntary contributions go some way in enabling us to provide our students with the best educational tools. We are requesting a contribution of €250.00, but any contribution, no matter how small, will help contribute to our efforts to provide the best teaching and learning experiences possible.

By donating €250.00 we can also claim tax back from Revenue, so your very generous donation of €250.00 is actually worth more to our school. In order for us to be able to claim this tax please complete a CHY3 form (Enduring Certificate). Please click here to download this form.

Contributions are gratefully received via Compass or by bank transfer, whichever works best for you and your family circumstances:

Electronic Funds Transfer: IBAN Number: IE42AIBK93312043952081 BIC Number: AIBKIE2D 

Alternatively you can donate by clicking button below:

Donate to Goatstown ETSS


Technology and the availability of good IT access in schools is recognised as being an important element in the 21st Century learning and teaching.

We aim to use technology to enhance the educational experience and support the learning of each student. Below is a list of technologies we use, designed to aid our school community in collaboration, communication, teaching and learning. 



Compass is our school administration system. You can view your child’s timetable and school reports and make online payments. It is also our main way of communicating with families in the school, keeping you informed of events and school announcements. It also allows parents to communicate with us about lates and absences as well as to download school reports and to give notice of a child leaving early from school.

For guidance on how to login and use Compass read the Parent Compass Guide here.


Office 365

Students have an Office 365 account as part of their device software package. 

Features Included: 

  • Personalised school email account

  • Cloud storage

  • Microsoft Word


School Library

The school library offers an increasing range of fiction and non-fiction items to read in school or to borrow to read at home. You can browse our current collection or log in to book a title to borrow by clicking on the button below. You can also contact for further details. 



A Guide to Goatstown ETSS Digital Technologies

This is a guide which aims to explain the different technologies we use at Goatstown ETSS. This guide should assist in providing support and ‘how to’s’ if you have any issues or need help.

Please remember that Wriggle are always on hand to support you in relation to the device as part of your support package.


A Parent Guide to Internet Safety

A Parents' Guide to a Better Internet is attached here.  The internet safety guide, produced by Webwise, is presented in a very engaging way and is a recommended read.


Parent FAQs


Where is the school?

The school is located at:
Goatstown Road
Dublin 14
D14 X0A9

What facilities does the school have?

The modular accommodation is of an extremely high standard. We have state-of-the-art facilities including two Science Labs, a Home Economics Room, Specialist rooms for Art, Technology, Design and Computer Graphics and Construction Studies. The school also has two Autism Support Classes (Meadow and Farmhill) as well as two basketball court areas and yard.

What are the school hours?

Students are advised to be in at 8.30am for class which starts at 8.40am

Break-time: 10:51 – 11:05

Lunchtime: 13:01 – 13:36

Students eat outside at a picnic table when the weather is fine.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: Classes finish at 15:32.

Wednesday: Classes finish at 13:01 (No lunch)

Friday: Classes finish at 15:16.

Getting to and from school:

Students are encouraged to walk or cycle to and from school.

If you are bringing your child to the school, then please use the drop off facility.

There is supervision of Goatstown Educate Together Secondary School students from 8:20am.

Who do I contact if I am worried about my child? 

In general, please use the following lines of communication:

  • If you are concerned about a particular subject, then contact the subject teacher.

  • If you are concerned that your child is anxious or worried about something, then please contact their Clan Tutor.

  • If you are concerned about additional support needs for your child, then please contact the Year Coordinator.

All contact details for staff can be found on the school website here.

What is Compass?

Compass is our main way of communicating with families in the school.

Compass also allows parents to communicate with us about lates and absences as well as to make payments, download school reports and to give notice of a child leaving early from school.

What happens if my child is frequently absent from school?

We are obliged to inform Túsla, the Educational Welfare Services of the Child and Family Agency, in the case of any student who is absent from school on twenty or more days during the school year. This is a legal requirement that we must fulfil regardless of the reason for absences. You will be informed in writing in advance if Túsla has to be contacted. You will receive a letter from the school to highlight absences of 15 days.

What is the school policy on mobile phones?

There is a strictly enforced policy on mobile phones. Phones must be switched off and placed in a locked locker before registration each morning. They should not be used during break, at lunchtime or during the school day. Failure to do so will lead to the phone being confiscated by a member of staff. The parent will be required to collect the phone from the Year Coordinator. We appreciate your support in this. Students are not permitted to enter the WiFi code for the school into any personal device apart from their school device.

How are lockers managed?

Lockers are managed by a company called LockerFix. Each student will be allocated a locker for the school year and each locker can be locked securely.

What areas of the school are out of bounds?

As part of the induction process for students, we talk to students about areas on the site which are out of bounds due to health & safety issues, or which we cannot supervise.

What can I do to help my child settle into school?

By helping them to come to school on time and with everything they need. Encourage involvement in extracurricular activities. By encouraging good habits around sleep, screen time, eating, exercise and homework. By reading app notifications and by checking the school calendar. By contacting us if you are concerned or if you notice anything that worries you.

What equipment/books will we need to buy?

Each student will need to purchase a device and these will be used as the main learning resource. You will therefore not have the additional expense for books.

What kind of behaviour do we expect?

We expect that students will be kind, open-minded, polite and that they will always give of their best. We expect that they will take pride in their school community and that they will look out for each other. Students should note that we will not tolerate bullying or disrespectful behaviour. We expect that all members of the school community will engage with each other with courtesy and consideration.

What is the Autism Support Class?

Some autistic students can integrate more successfully when they have access to specialist supports. The support suite offers a range of additional supports to students and allows these students to complete their education in a mainstream setting.

How many places are there in the school each year?

The school will take 96 students into First Year 2025/2026